Preston Cooperative Education Centre (PCEC) and NewsSocial Cooperative Society, both supporters of the Preston Model, have teamed up to offer Sociocracy Training, Consulting, and Tools that make the practice of sociocracy a reality.
Recognizing the need to reinvent the way organizations and networks conduct their affairs, especially in support of a more equitable sharing economy, PCEC and NewsSocial seek to offer sociocracy services to the cooperative sector and non-profit and socially progressive organizations and networks. Sociocracy, as a consent-based decision-making system, allows organizations and networks to govern themselves democratically and efficiently.
Under this partnership, PCEC will provide formal sociocracy training courses and courses customized for individual organizational needs. PCEC and NewsSocial together will provide consulting and handholding services to support the implementation of sociocracy practices; as well as the NewsSocial platform which supports sociocracy and foster initiative, innovation and better flow of information. These services are provided as tools during training and as licensed services post-training.
“Sociocracy is one important tool that allows organizations and networks to govern themselves democratically and more efficiently. Sociocracy is about consent-based decision making and about democratic governance based on shared power, better information flow, initiative, and innovation”, said Prof. Mick McKeown, a founding director from PCEC.
“Challenges facing humanity require reinventing the way organizations and networks conduct their affairs, especially those supporting a more equitable sharing economy such as cooperatives, mutuals, social enterprises, and trade unions. The object is to support democratic forms of governance in organisations as well as making the most of the opportunities brought about by the technological revolution we are passing through”, said Prof. Julian Manley from NewsSocial.